Friday, January 1, 2010

Wells Fargo Commercial and an "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader" Marathon

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year everyone! It's been a while since I last posted on my blog! I just wanted to let you know... I booked a Wells Fargo commercial!! I had a great time filming it! I played a really bad-- AWFUL violin player. It's a really funny commercial. I also wanted to let you know that there is an "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader" marathon that started yesterday on CMT (Country Music Television). My group is on today with the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders! I know this has been on before, but I love to watch them dance. I've been thinking that I wouldn't mind being a DCC (Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader) when I grow up.

Fun Fact: At the end of most episodes, during the credits, you can see a "blooper" from the episode that got cut out during editing. These episodes took up to an hour to film, but they are cut to about 22 minutes for TV (plus commercials to make a 30 minute show). A lot of funny stuff happened that they just didn't have time to show, so when the outtakes are on, I love it! They also include some outtakes on the show's website:



  1. My family loves watching you on the show!!
    Will be looking for the Wells Fargo commercial!!

  2. We love watching you too! Great to see you doing other things like the commercial. Can't wait to see it!
    Good things happen to good people...
